Part 10: This Is Going To Hurt
Part 010: This Is Going To Hurt
So we're off to the miners' guild to see Ohl and a few other NPC's in the area.

One of the two interesting NPC's here is Zebenno.

While Merdger doesn't want to give you the key, Zebenno only offers some vague, performative worry and then lets you go get yourself killed.
The other NPC is Kossea.

Who would be much more interesting if he was earlier in the game, or the game was structured in a much different way.

Imagine if this happened before you saw blatant magic. There'd be an interesting question of whether Animebona actually needed propitiating prior to mining, or whether all the rituals were, in a 40k Mechanicus-esque way, simply shoring and propping tunnels, checking for gas pockets, avoiding natural caves with a sign of animal habitation, etc. Once you've actually seen people juggle fireballs and lightning bolts, however, the Mountain Priests become a lot less interesting from a storytelling perspective, and also kind of seem to be a bit... anti-Animebona. Turning ritual magic into just another tiresome bureaucratic chore before you can get on with work feels like it's very Animenkna-esque, based on what the Dji Cantos told us earlier. You could have another interesting story seed there, where you could show that no one quite understands Animebona and Animenkna and there's a deeper unity between the two to explore and uncover so everyone can live in peace.
So anyway, we missed Ohl and I'm too boring to just stand around in the streets for another 12 hours, so I decide to go check out the dungeon under the Equipment Makers' guild which, contrary to what I said earlier, actually is a storyline dungeon for a later part of the game. It's also literally unbeatable with the current party and loadout of gear, for reasons soon to become apparent.

On the way I do a bit of shopping which basically consists of selling junk... to the point that I end up overloading myself on gold and, after like ten minutes of shuffling coins around, have to buy some expensive weapons as a store of value to be able to move. This weaponsmith shopkeeper is actually a bit interesting, though...

He'll track you along the counter and yell at you if you grab something while he's in front of you, but not if you manage to slip besides him and grab something anyway, which is kind of odd because A) he's the only shopkeeper who reacts and B) this shows that the run-forward-to-extend-grabbing-distance trick was known of by the devs(since it's the only way to snag anything behind this guy's or any other counter).

So welcome to this dungeon. The first layer is in 2D and consists of three things: Levers, corridors and keys. You will be walking back and forth to pull levers, to open doors, that get you keys, that sometimes open a door, and sometimes open a chest, and usually that door or that chest are hiding another key.

In a better game these oddly regular discoloured wall sections would be secret or illusionary pathways. No such thing here.

There's this fucking anvil which can turn a long-outdated weapon(generic swords) into a slightly less outdated weapon(generic two-handed swords), but only a limited number of times, so you can't even use it to break the game's economy or anything.

This encounter which I'm not sure whether is how all 2D encounters are meant to look, meaning all the rest are bugged, or is itself the only bugged one. Normally in 2D and 3D encounters one enemy sprite is a whole squad. Here, this swarm of enemy sprites is one squad, rather than each of them being a squad.

But oddly enough despite being the only time this is done in the game, the multiple sprites don't even match the encountered enemies, except for the general enemy type.

No, you can't wiggle past there. All it would have taken would be another couple of spike/knife floor tiles for it to look believable as impassable, but someone was in too much of a hurry for that.

The first level also lulls me into a false sense of security by repeatedly deploying the same garbage encounters we've been casually wading through since the second island, Gratogel.

Here you reach this room, to flip a switch, so you can go all the way back to the start of the dungeon, to flip another switch, so you can slowly whack the knives down with a hammer you found. It requires no thinking, there are no extra encounters to complicate going back, all it does is waste your damn time.

The only thing of note the chest contains is a map of the first level of the dungeon. Now how every single corridor is designed to take longer to navigate than it needs to. I could forgive this if it was meant to look like something, like a real building or facility with some kind of structure, but instead I've had random map generators throw out locations that look more purposefully-made.

This room is guarded by enemies that we outgrew on the very first island.

So this "puzzle" is supposed to bore you even more by only letting you disable certain spike sections at a time, and also having certain levers, when pulled, also activate/deactivate other levers. I prefer the more direct approach.

If you manage to pull all three levers down, the machine "explodes," killing half your party, and disabling the interlocks, thus allowing you to disable all the spikes at once after spending some time glueing everyone back together. It also had an odd consequence for Siobhan.

You may notice a gap in the party's formation, that's where she actually is. The Siobhan at the back of the formation is just a ghost perpetually doing its walk-cycle animation even when the party's standing still.

It disappears after the next time I get the party into a fight.

The only "interesting" thing before getting to the level 2 entrance that I skip over is a room that's literally wasting your time, since all it does is contain a lever that only exists, and thus can only be pulled to unlock the next door, at a certain time interval. And in dungeons, you can't use the "wait" command, so you literally have to let the party stand around while you read a book or something.

So this place has some new enemies. They will fuck us up. Every single enemy formation in here is hell and can only be defeated by bringing Mellthas or letting a speed-boosted Drirr stand in the back row throwing out Demon Exodus scrolls(thankfully scrolls are cast at max caster level so they can bypass enemy magic resistance.). Cue the slideshow of the ways I got mangled before giving up and leaving the dungeon!

Animal 3 squads! Faster even than Drirr, they do massive damage, and even if we could tank it, they have a chance to Critical Hit and annihilate a party member in one blow. ANY party member, even beefy Siobhan.

Fear 3 swarms! We can outspeed them, but they're tanky as hell and hit pretty hard. That can be survived, though. The bad part is that they either cast small fireball(negligible damage), attack in melee(scary damage) or cast Boast, which blows partially through any target's MR and makes them flee combat. Panic can't be undone, so it's basically a save-or-die, and partial resists still allow status effects through. Better yet, any time you flee from combat, the enemy formation is wholly restored! I actually beat one of these after like ten tries when I got lucky and they didn't make everyone run away in two rounds.

Storm 3 armies! Only Drirr outspeeds them, and every single round, every single one of them will cast Thunderstorm at a power that kills any party member in, at most, three hits. Thunderstorm hits the entire field. So the only way to survive is for Drirr to somehow take out 4 or more of them in the first round of combat.

The only good thing about bouncing off that dungeon was that it edged Khunag up to being able to cast Thunderstorm, so now he'll just need to cast it fifty or so times before it'll do as much damage as his other lightning spells and contribute to turning fights around.

I'm not sure if this is true, I don't think it is, but at the same time holy shit the entrance is hidden in a truly sadistic way behind several sprites that appear to be impassable at first glance, so I will happily pay some random gem to not have to deal with it.

A short hands-off section of Ohl showing me the way later...

Ohl's enthusiasm for his hobby is somewhat adorable.

The dungeon leading to the southern desert is a short T-shaped cave with two exits. If you take the wrong exit, like I did, you end up wandering the desert for like half an hour real-time, exploring a completely pointless section of the game world.

It has a very pleasant-looking unique savannah biome that has no purpose to existing at all. So eventually you manage to find your way back to the cave and go out the right entrance...

Who could have predicted that the evil corporation would still be evil. Damn.

Now, how do you get out of being locked inside the medical wing? Perhaps violence? Stealth? Hacking? No, you wait. It's only five minutes of real-time waiting, but it feels like a lot fucking longer when there's literally nothing to interact with in the small part of the medical wing you're restricted to, nor any way to wait time away.

Stats-wise Joe is basically like Rainer: not so great. His only advantage is that, alongside Rainer and Tom, he's one of the few characters in the game that can use guns. So when we get our hands on more guns... he could become real useful.

Joe can not, in fact, hack open any doors for us. But some idiot left the password lying around in a drawer, on a note, so we're through the door in quick time and back on to the Toronto's cozy service decks...

This level is entirely a "puzzle" and also, in the traditions of the Equipmentmakers' Guild basement, mostly focused around wasting your time. It has three types of puzzle:

#1: Activate a robot and wait for it to amble over a pressure plate in the floor. Unfortunately all the robots' movements are completely randomized so you might be waiting for a while.

#2: Wait for the light on the other side of the gate to flash and then press the button at the same time to activate it. It's a real dickass move because at no point has the game used this kind of logic before, so unless you're reading a FAQ, it may take you a while to figure it out, since pressing the button when the light isn't on just gives you a "nothing happens"-message not a "nothing happens because the timing was off"-message.

#3: Finding these cabinets which aren't marked on the map at the ass-end of tangly fucking corridors so you can find a door unlocking code.

Look at this shit.
It's like a five-year-old just doodled random lines on a piece of paper and then they straightened the corners a bit and turned it into a dungeon map. What the fuck.

And then there's this fucking room. No there's no climactic boss fight or dramatic moment in here, instead there are three pressure plates and like ten cells with service robots in them. Release them all and then go eat a sandwich until the robots bumble across all the pressure plates and you can continue. I had enough time to go all the way back through the level looking for one of the code paper pieces I'd missed before the robots had activated all the door plates.

Of course, it won't be that easy.

Someone on the writing team didn't really think too much about what they wrote. How could the team both have waited for Tom and have headed back to the Isle of the Dji Cantos to chat with them? Either way, the plot continues after the game warps us back there.

Next: A completely uncomplicated journey without any kind of surprises.